
Information Centre

Information Centre

For interesting articles and information about pets and the pet industry for pet owners, and pet businesses.  Pet Professional Insurance provides quality, cost effective business insurance solutions for Pet Professionals.

Woman holding chicken

How to find the perfect career working with animals

Adore animals and want to turn your love into a career? Here are a few ways to get started......

woman with dalmatian

Australian Pet Ownership Statistics

As a nation we sure do love our pets! Get the lowdown on Australia's pet ownership statistics......

Couple cuddling a small dog

Rescue Pet Foster Care Series Part 1: Can I be a Foster Carer?

It takes more than simply a love of pets to foster an animal. Find out more about what it takes to be a pet foster carer......

Sad dog

Pet Sitter Check List

Heading off on holidays? Make sure your pet sitter has everything they need to take great care of your beloved pet......

Important Questions for Professional Pet Sitters

As a professional pet sitter, it's vital you're prepared for the array of potential questions clients may ask you......

grey dog sitting on road

10 Ways You Can Help Abused and Abandoned Animals

As animal lovers, we hate to believe that anyone would want to hurt an animal. But unfortunately animal cruelty is much more ...